How an OBGYN Can Help With Infertility

If you and your partner have been trying to have a baby, but you are unsuccessful, have you thought about treatment for infertility? Your OBGYN doctor is an expert at infertility issues and can help you both have a baby.

If you have infertility issues, you are not alone. Infertility affects 10 to 15 percent of couples. Infertility issues affect both men and women equally.

If you and your partner have been regularly trying to get pregnant for at least one year, you could have infertility issues. There are many causes of infertility, including:

  • Having a long menstrual cycle of over 35 days
  • Having a short menstrual cycle of less than 21 days
  • Experiencing missing or irregular periods
  • Having a low sperm count

Your OBGYN doctor will begin with testing to determine what is causing infertility. When your doctor determines the cause, treatment can begin.

Infertility treatment can take several paths, including:

  • Restoring fertility
  • Assisting reproduction with medical techniques

If your doctor is trying to restore fertility, your treatment might include:

  • Clomiphene citrate, to stimulate your ovaries to ovulate
  • Gonadotropins, to stimulate your ovaries to increase production of eggs
  • Metformin, to treat infertility caused by insulin-resistance
  • Letrozole, to induce you to ovulate
  • Bromocriptine, to treat ovulation problems resulting from excess pituitary function

For medically assisted fertility, treatments may include:

  • Surgery, to remove growths which are preventing your ability to get pregnant
  • Surgically reversing a tubal ligation or to open blocked fallopian tubes
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI), which involves placing sperm inside the uterus
  • Assisted reproduction (IVF), which involves combining the sperm and eggs in a laboratory setting and then implanting the embryo into the uterus

If you and your partner want to have a baby, but you have been unsuccessful, don’t despair. Your OBGYN doctor can help you succeed, so you can enjoy the family you want. To find out more about infertility treatment and other OBGYN services, call your OBGYN doctor today.