The Importance of Hormone Management

Our Serenity Gynecology & Functional Medicine team knows aging is challenging and works hard to help our patients. Dr. Miriam Torres can provide you with hormone management in Grapevine, TX, that can make aging easier. But why is this therapy so important? Let’s look at this treatment in-depth to ensure you understand its many advantages.

What Are Hormones?

Hormones are unique chemicals that manage much of your body’s functions. What exactly are these chemicals? Well, you’ve probably heard of estrogen and testosterone: these are two common types of hormones. Without a balanced level of these chemicals, your body may experience many adverse side effects.

Decreased estrogen levels can cause multiple health issues for women, including vaginal health problems, high blood pressure, and lower calcium levels. In addition, as we age, hormone levels naturally change and decrease, which can be frustrating. However, hormone management can help you.

What Is This Therapy?

Hormone therapy, or HT, is a powerful treatment option that helps to boost hormone levels and decrease symptoms of various health conditions. Our gynecologist will carefully check your hormone levels and provide a helpful replacement combination to balance them effectively. In this way, HT helps reduce your symptoms of conditions as diverse as:

  • Hot flashes 
  • Vaginal dryness 
  • Sexual discomfort 
  • Insomnia 
  • Mood swings 
  • Depression and irritability 
  • Night sweats
  • Dry skin (including dry mouth)

At Serenity Gynecology & Functional Medicine, Dr. Torres can provide HT that can balance your hormone levels and improve your overall health. Often, this treatment is useful for conditions like menopause, especially surgically induced menopause. However, it may be beneficial for women with naturally imbalanced hormone levels.

What Types of HT Are Available?

HT therapy for women comes in two types: estrogen treatment and estrogen-progesterone/progestin hormone therapy. The first type uses a low dose of estrogen that includes application options like pills, patches, creams, vaginal rings, gels, or sprays. The lower possible level is chosen to manage your symptoms. The second therapy uses similar delivery methods but combines estrogen and progesterone (or its synthetic alternative, progestin) to produce better results.

Work With Us If You Need HT

At Serenity Gynecology & Functional Medicine, Dr. Torres can provide the hormone management therapy that Grapevine, TX, residents need to be healthy. We’re proud to serve the area and will do what we can to ensure you get the help you deserve. Call us at (817) 280-9616 to learn more about our hormone therapy options.