Am I Experiencing Menopausal Disorders?

Menopause generally occurs between the ages of 40 and 50. Essentially, this period in your life marks the end of having monthly periods and is often marked by hot flashes, moodiness, and a host of emotional symptoms that might make you more sluggish than usual, interfere with your sleep, and negatively impact your emotional health.

Fortunately, various treatments are available for managing these symptoms, from lifestyle modifications to HRT (hormone replacement therapy). If you’re suffering from these menopause symptoms, so much so that they’re affecting your quality of life, you can consult Dr. Miriam Torres of Serenity Gynecology & Functional Medicine here in Grapevine, TX, to get your menopausal disorder symptoms in check.

Symptoms of Menopause

Common menopause symptoms include the following:

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Inconsistent menstrual cycles
  • Night sweats
  • Chills
  • Mood changes
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Slower metabolism
  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin and thinning hair
  • Loss of fullness in your breasts

It’s critical to point out that menopause symptoms vary significantly from one woman to another. However, you’ll likely go through a period of irregular menstrual cycles before they completely stop coming. In most cases, they’ll skip a month or two and then return, or they won’t occur for a couple of months and return again for several months. Likewise, periods usually occur in shorter cycles.

Take note though that despite the inconsistency of your periods, there’s still a small chance that you might still get pregnant. So to be on the safe side, if you experience a delay in your period but are not 100% certain that you’re starting the transition to menopause, take a pregnancy test.

The Importance of Regular Doctor Visits

Make sure to come to all your scheduled appointments with your gynecologist here at Grapevine, TX, for regular preventive checkups and exams. Here, your preventive care plan might include various screening tests like triglyceride screening, glucose screening, mammography, and colonoscopy. You may also have to undergo additional tests, such as a thyroid test, depending on the results of your pelvic exam, mammography, and/or your other menopausal symptoms.

Generally speaking, treatments for menopause are targeted towards alleviating your symptoms and managing or preventing any chronic health problems that you may have. Make sure to discuss all available treatment choices with your doctor so that you can work together to determine which ones will be most effective for you.

For Questions or Concerns About Menopausal Disorders, Contact Us

Call (817) 280-9616 to set up an assessment date here at Serenity Gynecology & Functional Medicine in Grapevine, TX, with your gynecologist, Dr. Miriam Torres.