Hormone Balancing


Dr. Miriam Torres, Functional Medicine and Gynecology:
Is here to help you obtain the better version of you!

Have you ever wondered why you get sugar cravings before your period or cry over nothing? Or perhaps you can’t sleep and suffer the odd migraine. Your haphazard hormones could be to blame, and when they’re out of balance, life can be hell.


Hormones are the chemical messengers that travel via our bloodstream to every organ and tissue, and regulate processes in the body; they’re involved in everything from growth and metabolism to reproduction and mood, and include the main sex hormones oestrogen, testosterone and progesterone, plus melatonin (sleep), cortisol (stress), adrenaline (fight or flight) and thyroid (metabolism).

An imbalance can be caused by nutritional deficiency, impaired liver function, hypothyroidism, stress and intake of xeno-oestrogens. Symptoms can include weight gain, anxiety, mood swings, painful breasts, depression, cravings, bloating, thyroid issues, insomnia, hirsutism, vaginal dryness, hot flushes, headaches and migraines, night sweats, rosacea and acne.

Let Dr. Torres empower you with health information and lifestyle changes that you need. That will support your mission on a better version of you.